Media Gallery

CB² Webinar "Opportunities and Challenges for Natural Fiber Composites"
The webinar starts with an introduction from Dr. Vikram Yadama, CB² Site Director at WSU. Dr. Chad Ulven, Professor in Mechanical Engineering at NDSU and Chief Technology Officer at c2renew INC, talks about opportunities and challenges for natural fiber composites. The webinar concludes with some questions for Chad.
KHOI Interview with CB2 Center Director
The show started with the roundup of Ames news from Dennis Hart. Then today's host, Gale Seiler, interviewed Dr. David Grewell from the Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering at ISU (13:00), where he is also Director of the Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2 ). They spoke about the problems caused by plastics in the environment and efforts to use plant proteins to make biorenewable, biodegradable plastics.
Iowa Public Radio Interview with CB2 Center Director
On this edition of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe talks with David Grewell, Director of the Center for Bioplastics at Iowa State University, about the future of plastics and how technology might make them more environmentally friendly. Carolyn Raffensperger, Chair of the Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club, also joins the conversation.
Click the link to hear the interview.
CB2 Introduction Webinar
An 1.5-hour webinar partnered with UIDP introducing what research our center is focusing on.
Hear from Dr. David Grewell from Iowa State University (00:15), Dr. Vikram Yadama from Washington State University (20:30), Dr. Jason Locklin from University of Georgia (44:05), and Dr. Debbie Mielewski from Ford Motor Company (59:20).
CB2 REU 2017 - What Our Students Say
A three-minute video of what our CB2 REU students say about their summer research experience at Iowa State University and at Washington State University.
Proposal Development Process
A four-minute video explaining how our proposals are developed and selected as well as its timeline.
Find more videos on CB2’s YouTube Channel.
Pushing the Boundaries of Bioplastics in Iowa
Speakers include: Debi Durham, Director of Iowa Economic Development Authority, Brent Willett, Executive Director of Iowa’s Cultivation Corridor, and Mike Crum, VP for Economic Development and Business Engagement at Iowa State University.
NPE2015 Wrap-up
A brief video highlighting the activities in CB2’s booth at NPE2015.
Biodegradation of Bioplastic Plant Containers in Home Compost at Two Weeks
This video shows results during the first two weeks of biodegradation with over twenty types of bioplastic composites in a home composting system. This is the first in a short series of videos that will illustrate the biodegradability of these biorenewable polymers and composites in home compost. This research is part of a five-year bioplastic container cropping systems project led by CB2 faculty.